Back To school with Just Be Kind

As a kindergarten teacher we used much of the first two months to teach children how to go to school. That time was golden as it set up the class to be a kind place where children wanted to be. When children want to be in school, they will learn.

I’d like to share some tips for parents but they are useful to all!

When we’re getting back to school we often focus on getting the cutest outfit and backpack, filling the supply list and lunch box.  But do you prepare your child’s behavior?

There are many opportunities in decisions we make each day and how you approach those decisions makes a huge difference to those around you and to our world.

Today’s Tip:  Flood your world with kindness

Kindness and selfishness cannot co exist.

Selfishness is  on our doorstep everyday.  We want what we want and we react how we react to get what we want.

Your children  are watching.

If you are the parent who lets someone in line at grocery or does NOT curse someone who pulled into your parking spot , you are a hero! You are teaching your child to succeed.

Somehow the world of Me First has taken over! We didn’t allow that in Kindergarten!  (By the way there is a great book about that! See photo above)

You can’t live in the world of MEMEME and be successful in a classroom.  Entering school, your child may have lived in a world of one.  All life revolved around meeting her needs and giving him loads of attention. When your child walks into school they will be one of more than 20! All 20+ students will be sharing the same “Mom”, the teacher.  (I use Mom here instead of parent because my kids would often accidentally call me Mom! No offense intended.) Being one of many is a huge change for your child.  As your child’s parent you need to think like a coach.   You will need to prepare your child and teach them to do things like take turns and celebrate others.

Once in a while we would run into the parent who demanded that their child be treated as the only one.  They were teaching their child to be selfish.  Think about our world right now.  How much of the conflict or chaos is caused by selfishness?  I don’t think we really want this kind of world.

The very best classrooms are those in which the children behave as though they are on a team.  (We were the Tigers) They look out for each other and love to learn.

What to do:

Be intentionally kind in front of your children.

Take the grocery cart back to the corral.

Wait your turn without complaining.

Leave the spot better than you found it (example- clean up your lunch space at the park)

Avoid beeping at the car in front of you when possible.

Be patient (Play games that require taking turns.)

Share/be generous

Give compliments

In kindergarten we put routines in place to help the children help each other and learn to put others first.

Here are just a few:

-Say “Would you like to go first?” instead of pushing to the head of the line.

-Say “When you are finished with that I’d like to have it next, please.” (How to share.)

-Say “Good for you” when someone gets something you don’t.

All through life your child is acquiring habits. Kindness is a habit. Put in the time  to educate your child  and your child will succeed!

Just Be Kind

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