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Are you generous ?

To be generous is to give to someone who may not deserve it or did not ask for it. It’s easy to be kind to someone you like, but how about that person who was snippy to you or isn’t so nice ? Are you kind anyway or do you write them off ?

I’ve heard it said that you can’t receive anything in a closed fist. Our kindergarten kids were so generous. If someone didn’t have a red crayon several children would race over to lend them theirs. All day long we’d see generosity.

I believe it’s important to give quietly. I made one exception in kindergarten. I ordered my supplies from Amazon and would open the boxes with the children so they could feel loved and supported. To be honest, the joy in their faces was fun to watch. They also took better care of things when they saw things as a gift. For the most part, giving anonymously is a special skill to be pursued.

What can you be generous with? Your time: a visit to a senior who is alone. The benefit of the the doubt: allowing someone to make a mistake and not assume it is on purpose. Giving: a card for the sick or text visit. Donations: things you don’t use or funds where you can. The Tip: leave a little extra for your server when you can or give a complimen- even if they weren’t perfect. What are your ideas?

A generous person is a blessed person. You teach your children by what you do. Sign up for the PTO and send something in for that class party. Can you imagine if everyone focused on being generous?

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