I love design and follow a few decorating blogs. Yesterday, a woman posted for help with color. She purchased a chair which she thought was blue and her husband thought was green. Unable to come to an agreement she asked the friends on the blog what they thought the color was. That got me thinking…
Where do we find truth? There is a lot of noise in this world right now and people have a lot of opinions. The news, the internet and people offer different , sometimes opposing, views and we are often left wondering, What is the truth?
As a Kindergarten teacher, I always tried to instill a love of learning for my kiddos. I wasn’t afraid to say I didn’t know something if a question came up that I didn’t have an answer for. I would tell them we would search for the answer together. Sometimes they would call out ”Look it up”. They learned to investigate. They searched for truth. They were so cute.
In the story of the chair, we might remember that someone created that chair. There was a maker. The couple trying to find the true color of the chair could simply contact the maker and ask for the answer.
Where do you get your truth? From the news, TV , the internet or by taking someone’s word? We need to seek the truth for ourselves. We need to read. May I humbly add that we can go to our Maker to find truth. There is a lot of hate and blame right now caused by misinformation, pride and selfishness. We need to do better. Our kiddos are watching and learning from us.
The choices we make will drive us apart or together. Our choices are made by the voice listen to. May we seek truth and prefer each other above ourselves. Just Be Kind