On cruel words and hitting

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Your children are watching and listening.  Children talked about the Oscar drama yesterday. They saw it on TV and heard discussion in their homes. As with all life  moments, how you discuss the ugly events from the Oscars may leave a mark on your children and perhaps shape their behavior. As a former teacher, I know your children do what you do, act how you act and say what you say.  Fortunately, I was blessed with many lovely families who were thoughtful in teaching their kids. Would you consider some humble points of view from Kindergarten? First, ask yourself, If someone makes a joke with cruel  comments at someone else’s expense,  is it comedy or is it bullying? Have we become so accepting of rudeness and cruelty to others that we are immune to it?  It isn’t pretty to see it in little children.  In fact, it breaks my heart. On hitting:   In our kindergarten house,  if a child was hit and then hit back ( which became rare as the year progressed as they learned to value and take care of each other) they would often say, “He hit me first.”   I would lovingly remind them that they were both wrong as hitting is never ok.  How are you spinning this ugliness? Are we accepting things just because the voice of the world says it’s ok? Consider your children and love to the higher standard.  Also, don’t miss the teaching moment from Lady Gaga’s wonderful treatment of Liza Minnelli. At the Oscars. What a beautiful moment of respect and care!   Make sure your kiddos don’t miss that one!  Just Be Kind

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