lunchbox, lunch set, school lunch-1375317.jpg

Be kind by being prepared

When I taught kindergarten, we would have an orientation for the parents and try and inform them on every aspect of their child’s day. Most of the information in that orientation came from past experiences with our students. For example, when we went from half day to full day kindergarten the children had to eat lunch at school. Many of the children had never had lunch away from home and didn’t know what to do with the lunchbox. We, the teachers, would stay with them during lunch and help them through the first few days/week. We added practice having school lunch at home to our orientation program. There are many things that your child will do for the first time:

Eat lunch from a lunch box or buy a lunch-pack their back pack-tie their shoes-remember their bus number- zip a jacket-wash their hands-walk in line-latch and unlatch the restroom stall door-take turns- sit on a bus….the list goes on!

Parents need to be prepared too. Add the school schedule to your calendar. Read all of the many announcements that will come home from school or be delivered electronically. Return the emergency card and other school forms promptly. Go through your child’s bag each day and have a place just for your child’s school work. Talk to your child about his day. Be specific. “Did you use coins for math today?” gets a more informative answer than “how was your day?” which is usually answered with “ok”. This may be your first time away from your child all day. This will be a bittersweet moment for you and how you react will determine how your child reacts. Keep it positive!

It is at this moment that I miss teaching and all of the kindness and support that was shown by our families. I love seeing how my Tigers have grown and can’t wait to see what they accomplish!

One of my sweet families made this adorable video many years ago about eating lunch at school. We included it in our kindergarten orientation. Enjoy! Just Be Kind

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